Carl Pannuzzo

For me, the great thing about improvising is that you cannot be precious about the outcome. You just have to be honest and as present as possible to the moment and treat that preciously. It commands the best of all you have ever heard, felt and thought before now, distilling the entire history of music into a diamond of truth born of surrender and trust. This guides the heart and hand to a place beyond creative decision, often surprising and rewarding the player with a wonderful arrival and by course, some precious outcome indeed. If something doesn't flow, nothing is lost; rather another opportunity for the next moment's courting and possible fulfilment. At every step, I learn.

Imagine how miraculous it seems then when this experience is amplified in combination with others. No words are spoken, no parameters, decisions, concepts or directives - simply to be there, listen and respond, to every sound you hear, sometimes in a split second, with very little conscious thought. This is such a wonderful meditation and space shared. The ease, allowance and delight of improvising with Anita and Nick under the arc of their great musical connection and intention to create the peaceful music that is Beyond The Lake, felt effortless, free, alive and true. The wide open road laid by Phil Noy in his generous presence with recording in the wonderful new Cross Street Studios, held and framed this meeting with no impediment. A gentle day in flow. Thank you.



Parvyn and Josh Bennett


Simon Mavin & Paul Bender